I met Pam from Nova Scotia on Playsite Cribbage 4 years ago. We had a lot in common. One was that we soon found we were the best players on the site. lol NO brag--Just fact.  That gave us lots of time to play cribbage and chat. I got to know about her wonderful family: husband, 2 sons, in-laws, freinds, etc.  Of course, the conversations always get around to our pets because pets are like people.  They have personalities and always do something new and funny.
  Pam and her family visited us on their vacation last summer.  I found her to be even more caring, humorous, and all around super than I ever imagined.  A friend is hard to find in this world.  Her personality rubbed off on her pets that I feature here.

No this is not a rare breed of cat, but Cleo was adopted after Patches. Patches let Cleo know who was the boss and Cleo's personality has been shaped by Patches. One look from Patches and Cleo freezes in her tracks.  You would freeze too, if Patches glared at you.
  Cleo comes to the bedroom to wake them up in the morning.   Cleo likes all animals, even Sadie the goat. She teases Sadie and runs away,  Sadie chases her and stops short when her rope comes to an end.

PATCHESPatches is a loving sweet companion, except to Cleo.   She is huge and sleeps a lot; will not go outside in the winter. Smart cat.  She wil go outside for short periods in the summer.  Must be cause she has a hard time getting around.  I'm glad I don't have to empty that litter box. lol
  Patches loves shoes and will put her 2 front paws in one shoe when resting.  Pam says that means when one of her family puts their shoes one, one shoe is always warm and one cold.   

Look carefully and you can see that Pam is the apple of Patches' eyes.  Patches makes a lot of the whole family to make Cleo jealous.  This is one of many mind games that a cat plays.  Deep down Patches likes Cleo because she lets Cleo get close sometimes.  : Looks like Patches rules the whole family.